in 2008 OnRope consulting was the first rock climbing guide service established in los angeles. Rock climbing instruction and guided trips have long been the cornerstone of our offering. In 2012, our journey took a turn as we responded to the increasing demand from reality television which led us to expand and diversify our work portfolio. This expansion involved close collaboration with creative executives to conceive and design the physical components and apparatus for these stunts and challenges. Subsequently, we executed these concepts for the camera, ensuring their integration into the final productions. SOme of our core OFFERINGS include:
pre-visualization art
concept feasibility
location scouting
site medical & risk management
stunt & challenge design
production & camera coordination

WHAT WE HAVE BEEN UP TO - See our work featured on shows:
Amazing Race,
Biggest looser
American Ninja Warrior
American Grit
Big brother
the Spartan race